This course is designed to develop writing expertise for public relations and advertising agency work, corporate and non-profit strategic communication and development of tactical thinking and publicity techniques. The course focuses on developing the essential writing capabilities needed to complete a wide variety of projects in public relations and related strategic communication professions. It is designed to help students gain experience in researching, interviewing, writing, and producing materials used by strategic communication professionals. These include biographies, press releases, fact sheets, backgrounders, newsletters, brochures, speeches, A/V scripts, and other materials for broadcast. Discussion of public relations tactics, the role of public relations and advertising agencies and various media channels is integrated into the course – so that students should develop a strong understanding of the many aspects of the strategic communication profession. Theories of persuasion, social influence, and compliance gaining are interwoven into class discussions. prereq: [JOUR 3004 or 3004H], JOUR 3201, Strat Comm major
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