JOUR4172: Sports Reporting

3 Credits

This course will cover game-story writing, multimedia/digital storytelling, interview/press conference techniques, sports-business reportage, data-driven journalism, effective use of social media and opinion/column writing. Top sports media professionals and other local sports personalities will come in periodically to tell their stories and teach students some of what they know about good sports journalism. The aim of this course is to provide first steps toward working in today's sports media environment. Some possible sports career destinations include becoming: an authoritative sports blogger; TV sports anchor, reporter, or sideline analyst; beat reporter or sports editor for a newspaper (and its website); team sports information director; writer of long, beautiful prose for a national magazine or website. prereq: [JOUR 3004 or 3004H], JOUR 3101, JOUR 3121 or instructor permission, Jour major

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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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