JOUR4721: Mass Media and U.S. Society

3 CreditsCritical ThinkingGlobal PerspectivesGoal 1 - Written/Oral CommRace, Power, and Justice in the United StatesSocial SciencesTechnology and Society

Are the news media doing a good job? How can you tell? Does it matter? Is The Daily Show the best news program on television? Why or why not? Most people seem to have an opinion about all of these questions. Most discussions seem to center on one of four themes: 1) who owns the media and what they care about; 2) whether the news media are becoming more or less credible and/or biased; 3) whether entertainment is replacing or enhancing information in news programming; and 4) how much, if at all, is the Internet changing everything about the way the media work, including who we think of as a journalist. Mass Media and U.S. Society explores the validity and importance of these themes in terms of what roles can the media play in society, what roles does it play, and how have those roles have changed over time. The course draws on ideas from various social sciences to develop tools for discussing a number of specific issues related to these themes.

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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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