JOUR5174: Magazine Editing and Production

3 Credits

This course focuses on magazine and web writing, editing, photography, graphic design, and production. Students will study concepts of magazine and web communication with a special concern for how words, pictures, multimedia and design can be combined effectively. Over the semester, the class will create and produce a professional quality single-theme magazine and website. During this process, students will experience firsthand the organization and working of an editorial and production staff, and the implications of specific divisions of labor and working relationships. All students will write an article and/or produce web content as well as hold a staff job.prereq: [JOUR 3004 or 3004H], [{JOUR 3101 and [JOUR 3155 or JOUR 3173 or JOUR 3321 or JOUR 4171 or JOUR 4302]}, Jour major. Strat Comm majors must have completed Jour 3279W and need to contact for a permission number.

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