KIN3327: Teaching Physical Education in the Elementary School

2 Credits

KIN 3327 addresses inquiry, research, and reflection through class projects, reading assignments, discussions, and team-teaching. Inquiry is addressed as classroom teachers review several sources in order to formulate a philosophy about physical education and its importance in the lives of the students they teach. Research takes place as students delve into current curriculum practices, methodology and strategies as well as knowledge of age level characteristics and developmentally appropriate activities. Reflection is twofold as student’s team-teach a variety of lessons. Students must present post reflective comments on their own teaching as well as offering positive comment as peers present physical education lessons.This course is activity based and is designed to give the classroom teacher the ability to teach elementary physical education with age appropriate, energizing activities. We will be utilizing the classroom and the gymnasium for instruction and team-teaching. Gymnasium classes will be active, experiencing current curriculum ideas and methodology. As classroom teachers, please realize the importance of physical education to the total school curriculum including the health, social, and emotional benefits for the child.

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A- Average (3.757)Most Common: A (68%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

741 students
  • 4.07


  • 4.74


  • 4.24


  • 4.01


  • 4.61



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