KIN5736: Sport Performance Psychology

3 Credits

This course will focus on psychological skills, methods, and self-regulatory skills in sport and exercise, and how sport psychologists, coaches, therapists, athletes, and fitness specialists use these skills and methods to positively affect sport and exercise participation, performance, motivation, and enjoyment. The psychological skills and methods will be presented via discussion of underlying theory (e.g., the performance/arousal relationship) and specific intervention techniques (e.g., goal setting, imagery). Theoretical frameworks for sport and exercise-related educational counseling (e.g., self- regulation) across a variety of contexts will be discussed. This course will also address ethical and legal considerations for consulting in the sport and exercise settings. Finally, students will learn about the requirements to attain AASP certification.

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All Instructors

A Average (3.840)Most Common: A (73%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

48 students
  • 5.00


  • 4.69


  • 4.81


  • 4.81


  • 4.81



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