LEAD4481: Leadership and Social Change in Ireland

3 CreditsFine ArtsGlobal PerspectivesHistorical Perspectives

Learn how ordinary individuals and communities can inspire, mobilize, and engage with others to make a difference and to tackle what might appear to be an impossible public problem. The city of Belfast, Northern Ireland will provide a rich context for students to learn about the role that ordinary citizens, informal leaders, and public officials played in facilitating a reconciliation of a long-standing conflict (The Troubles), which still remains ever present. Despite public perception that Northern Ireland has moved forward from the Troubles, more walls have gone up since the peace agreement was signed, and there is still significant segregation between Protestants and Catholics. Learn how ordinary individuals and communities can inspire, mobilize, and engage with others to make a difference and to tackle what might appear to be an impossible public problem. The city of Belfast, Northern Ireland will provide a rich context for students to learn about the role that ordinary citizens, informal leaders, and public officials played in facilitating a reconciliation of a long-standing conflict (The Troubles), which still remains ever present. Despite public perception that Northern Ireland has moved forward from the Troubles, more walls have gone up since the peace agreement was signed, and there is still significant segregation between Protestants and Catholics. In addition to analyzing leadership and social change in the context of Ireland, students will simultaneously reflect on their own capacities for leadership and cultural competence, and the role that they might play in a social issue when they return to the US.

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