MBA6230: Financial Management

3 Credits

This course is required for all MBA students because of the financial implications of decisions across all departments and disciplines in business. Managerial decisions can be broken down into two main categories: how to raise capital and how to employ capital. The decisions managers make in this context can add or destroy value. With this context in mind, the course provides students with an understanding of financial markets and the main types of securities that are issued by corporations. The course will leverage basic statistics in understanding of risk of a security as a stand-alone investment and as part of a well-diversified portfolio to provide an understanding of how risk affects required returns of investors. The course emphasizes the concept of time value of money as a basis for decision making. Managers make decisions that affect the cash flows of the firm; the course provides students with a context for thinking about forecasting cash flows, discounting cash flows, and assessing whether the decisions they are considering are value-added for the firm. prereq: 6030, MBA student

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B+ Average (3.332)Most Common: A (25%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

1378 students
  • 4.04


  • 3.43


  • 4.34


  • 3.95


  • 4.11



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