MKTG6084: Persuasion and Influence

2 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

Successful marketers, leaders and communicators must not only make the right decisions-they must also influence others. Successfully managing other people depends on managing the influence process. Doing this effectively requires understanding the psychology of persuasion. This course is about the science of influence & persuasion. Through deeper understanding of human psychology, you will learn scientifically-tested and practical tools to become more influential in your dealings with consumers, clients, coworkers, & managers. Through a mix of lecture, discussion, reading, reflection, and experiential exercises, you will master the tools to be able to mobilize others by strategically crafting your communications.prereq: MBA 6210/6211, MBA student

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A- Average (3.720)Most Common: A (46%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

637 students
  • 4.91


  • 4.60


  • 4.89


  • 4.87


  • 4.83



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