MM3001W: Manufacturing in the Global Economy

3 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilIntellectual CommunityOnline AvailableWriting Intensive

In this course, you'll find out just how innovative, strategic, and creative manufacturing is. The course is a great elective for students seeking a better understanding of the core sector in both U.S. and international economies. The overall objective of MM 3001W is to explore different facets of manufacturing in today's global economy, and the three dimensions of the high-performance manufacturing organization (HPMO) model--leadership, product quality, and innovation--are paramount in that exploration. You'll take a look at past and current Minnesota manufacturing companies (3M and Red Wing Shoes, for example) that are surviving and thriving in today's economy, and also learn why some of those Minnesota companies have failed. As a writing intensive course, MM 3001W also prepares students to be successful writers, both in their coursework at the University of Minnesota and in their future careers, as special attention will be paid to real-world writing applications, skills, and processes. Prerequisites: None.

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