MM4201: Quality Engineering and Management

3 Credits

Quality makes or breaks an organization. Without continuous quality improvement, performance fails, sales drop, and organizations die. This course delves into three essential truths: 1) the customer is the ultimate judge of quality; 2) every process has variation, which must be fully understood before it can be improved; and 3) a lean, mean, structured plan will make problem solving a cinch when it comes to process improvement. Students will learn more than just the technical aspects of quality management; they will also learn the history and modern application of quality, quality management tool interfaces, and what it takes to be a leader in quality as a profession. prereq: none, but knowledge of statistics will be very helpful.

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B Average (2.986)Most Common: B+ (21%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

24 students
  • 4.25


  • 4.00


  • 4.44


  • 4.25


  • 4.00



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