MONT3886: Community Engagement in Montpellier

3 CreditsBiological SciencesCivic Life and EthicsGlobal PerspectivesOral Communication & Languages

This course will explore the historical, sociological, and political context of the French community but also in relation to Europe and with a comparison with the American system. It will provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their community engagement in the host country environment. Students will engage in charities/French schools and then share their experience in a classroom. They will discuss topics linked to French society at large, approaching diverse subjects such as the youth in French society, the way the education system works in France and how it differs from the US, the French social system, the concept of “laïcité” (secularism) in France, the history of immigration from the 19th Century until today with the new waves of immigrant population, and race and gender issues. Students will have a closer look at French charity organization, NGO, and see how they work here in France. They will also examine leadership values in their country and see how they can adapt and develop them in their new environment. This course and students' engagement in the community will deepen their understanding of the host country cultural context and will lead them to critically examine their own worldviews. Topics explored will include ethic and social responsibility, leadership, French social systems, multiculturalism in the French society, place of secularism (laïcité) in the French society, history of immigration, and gender equality.

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A Average (3.967)Most Common: A (82%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

11 students

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