MORT3051: Restorative Art

3 Credits

In Restorative Art 3051, we will consider the importance of, and techniques for, creating an acceptable physical appearance upon deceased persons for the benefit of the survivors.Over the semester, we will study a variety of topics for the purpose of building skills in the area of restorative art, including anatomical terminology; skeletal structures of the face and cranium; musculature of the face and neck; photographic interpretations; classical proportions of the face and cranium; physiognomy of the face and cranium; essential components of the nose, mouth, eyes, and ears; various modeling techniques; proper placement guides for the restoration of damaged structures and/or missing features; treatments and techniques for both general and specific injuries; color theory, and cosmetology related to the funeral profession.Pre / Co-requisite: MORT 3061 Embalming TheoryPrerequisites: MORT 2171 Introductory Human Anatomy; MORT 3171 Human Anatomy Laboratory

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B+ Average (3.183)Most Common: B+ (20%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

174 students
  • 4.30


  • 4.06


  • 4.47


  • 4.26


  • 4.19



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