MSMK6090: Marketing Analytics II

2 Credits

Customer Analytics addresses how to use data to learn about and market to individual customers. Marketing is evolving from an art to a science. Many firms have extensive data about consumers' choices and how they react to marketing campaigns, but few firms have the expertise to intelligently act on such information. In this course, students will learn the scientific approaches to analyze and act on customer information. While students will employ quantitative methods in the course, the goal is not to produce experts in statistics; rather, students will gain the competency and working experience to interact with and manage a marketing analytics team. The course uses a combination of lectures, cases, and exercises to learn the material. This course takes a hands-on approach with real-world databases and equips students with tools that can be used immediately on the job.

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A- Average (3.818)Most Common: A- (55%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

11 students
  • 4.36


  • 4.18


  • 4.55


  • 4.27


  • 4.46



  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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