OLPD1461: Presentations in Work Settings: Business & Marketing Education and Human Resource Development

3 CreditsBiological SciencesCivic Life and Ethics

This course prepares students to present information and hone their messages based on audience need in a variety of business, leadership, and workplace contexts. Students interested in majoring in Business and Marketing Education (BME), Human Resource Development (HRD), and other majors can take this course in order to develop the disciplinary practices used in training and development, as well as business and industry to convey vital and timely messages.

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All Instructors

A- Average (3.561)Most Common: A (48%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

878 students
  • 4.32


  • 3.96


  • 4.40


  • 4.14


  • 4.01



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