OUE3310: Leadership Development for University Student Leaders

This course will provide an opportunity for student orientation leaders to translate theory to practice, using the University of Minnesota Orientation and Welcome Week experience as a learning laboratory. Students will build upon existing self-awareness to further examine their identity, biases, and strengths through the use of critical reflective models and leadership theory concepts. Guest lecturers will share expertise on the topics of leadership, communication, and diversity. Course participants will gain an advanced level of leadership self-awareness and responsibility vital to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for incoming students and their families.

All Instructors

Most Common: S (97%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

58 students
  • 4.56


  • 4.20


  • 4.55


  • 4.48


  • 4.31



  • Samyok Nepal

    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research

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