PA 5122: Law and Public Affairs

3 Credits

Law and public policy in the United States are in a dialogue with each other. This dynamic is reflected in the differing roles of legislatures and courts, as well as the other institutions (for example, executive agencies that adopt regulations) involved in making law and policy. This course aims to give students an understanding of how law and policy interact in the American context using historical materials and examples from other countries to provide a broader perspective on how the interaction works today. Our exploration will necessarily involve the critical role of the United States Constitution and state constitutions in establishing the parameters for both law and policy. We will also examine particular instances of policy and law interactions on topics such as abortion, civil rights, criminal justice, elections, education and speech. Readings will include judicial opinions, legislation examples, policy and legal articles and other materials. Class time will include guest speakers from the disciplines of law, politics and public affairs, discussion in small and large groups and only an occasional short lecture. Grades will be based on written student reflections on the readings, 2-3 short papers exploring how law and policy apply to particular topics, and a longer research paper that examines the interaction of law and policy on a topic important to the student. Instructors have been legal, political and policy practitioners. Some have served in the state legislature.

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A- Average (3.689)Most Common: A (45%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

51 students
  • 4.18


  • 4.00


  • 4.22


  • 4.31


  • 4.13



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