This 16th century Chess on Ice game has gained popularity since being reintroduced to the world during the 1998 Winter Olympics in Japan. Curling is now a beloved event in both modern Winter Olympics and Paralympics. With the sport's growing popularity, this traditionally cold weather sport is now available to curlers year-round with the development of indoor facilities (sheets). This physically active course will explore curling history and introduce this exciting sport to novice curlers. Course topics will include curling rules, technique, game plan, safety, fitness, strategy, equipment, ice, and general etiquette. Physical literacy will also be developed through in-class activities and drills that support the development of techniques and agilities in relation to the sport that students will be able to utilize in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person. Skills will include ball control, forehand/backhand drives, serving, drive/lobs, smash, and general strategy. Could replace with: “Skills will include throwing the stone, sweeping, guards, curling your rock, takeouts, and timing the stones.” This course includes lectures, demonstrations, and active student participation. The pursuit of this lifelong activity is the ultimate goal, so students will have out-of-the-classroom opportunities to engage in this sport culture. This will expose students to the exciting local, national, and international competitive and basic engagement opportunities for individuals interested in this physical activity. This course is ideal for students interested in learning more about a growing and inclusive physical activity and a unique way to encourage a physically active lifestyle.
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research
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