PHAR1001: Orientation to Pharmacy

2 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

You may know that pharmacists are responsible for the dispensation of medications, but did you know that pharmacists play a critical role in the healthcare process by ensuring that their patients receive the best overall care? Designed to help you better understand the world of pharmacy, this online pharmacy course will introduce you to this exciting profession and help you gain an understanding of the impact pharmacists have in the patient care process. This course examines what training is necessary for success in the pharmacy field, demonstrates the roles a pharmacist can have in patient care, research and academia, and provides virtual tours of various settings in which pharmacists work.This is not a self-study course. While it is completely online, there are deadlines for assignments throughout the semester. No late registrations will be accepted. Course information is sent to the U of M email addresses of registered students shortly before, and/or on, the first day of classes each Fall, Spring, and Summer term. For more information, contact or 612-624-7976.

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A- Average (3.720)Most Common: A (71%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

1126 students
  • 4.62


  • 4.69


  • 4.35



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