PHSL5197: Stress Physiology

1-3 Credits

Journal club format. Meets weekly to examine foundations of stress, historical progress, development of stress, modern stress physiology. Focus on stress-induced pathology with attention to cardiovascular, metabolic, neuroendocrine disorders.Students participating in the weekly discussion are assessed on discussion participation, completion of weekly writing assignments and quality of the presentation in the class, are eligible for 1 credit.Students completing a midterm (test) and a final project (specific aims page of an NIH RO1 grant) in addition to the criteria described above are eligible for 3 credits.Prerequisite: instructor consent is required. Graduate student standing, master students, and post-doctoral fellows (if they are eligible for credits). Undergraduate students must have taken PHSL 3061 or equivalent, and have previous laboratory research experience.

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A Average (3.899)Most Common: A (78%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

23 students
  • 5.00


  • 4.71


  • 4.86



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