PLPA5303: Data Visualization in Plant and Microbial Biology

3 Credits

Data Visualization in Plant and Microbial Biology is a course for graduate and advanced undergraduate students interested in developing skills to visualize common datasets in plant and microbial research. Students will learn fundamentals of data visualization and reproducibility that are common approaches to present plant and microbial biological data. The topics to be covered in the course are not limited to but can include fundamentals of proper data visualization techniques, principles of manuscript figure design, differences between manuscript, poster, presentation, and communication data visualizations, and how to ensure that analysis and visualizations are reproducible. The class will consist of lectures, discussions, group activities, and lots of hands-on learning and analysis. prereq: Limited experience with R software is recommended, but not required.

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All Instructors

A Average (3.957)Most Common: A (86%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

42 students
  • 4.69


  • 4.56


  • 4.65


  • 4.65


  • 4.44



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