PORT3001: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers

4 Credits

This intensive, introductory Portuguese course emphasizes speaking and writing, the interpretation of written and audi(visual) Portuguese-language texts, and knowledge of cultural aspects of Portuguese-speaking countries. It uses students' Spanish language skills as a point of departure to develop knowledge of and the ability to apply Portuguese language forms to the interpretation and creation of Portuguese-language texts. Portuguese 3001 is a course developed for students with at least intermediate-level skills in Spanish. It builds on Spanish-language skills to cover the linguistic content of PORT 1101-1104 in one semester. You will use your developing Portuguese language skills to explore the cultures of various Portuguese-speaking communities via a wealth of authentic materials such as news stories, pop culture magazines, literature, film, and tv. The course simultaneously develops your knowledge of different language structures and your ability to use them in real world contexts. This class follows a flipped classroom model, in which the study of grammatical concepts is to be done outside of class. Prior to class, students study the material in the textbook and complete any assigned exercises; in class group exercises are done to practice and apply the new grammatical concepts learned. Since the ultimate goal of the program is for you to communicate in the Portuguese language, actual communication in class will be emphasized. prereq: SPAN LPE Pass

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