PSY3896: Internship in Psychology

1-4 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilInternational PerspectivesInternship/Co-opOnline AvailableRace, Power and Justice

Students first need to secure an internship related to the field of Psychology. Support from Psychology Undergraduate Advising and CLA Career Services is available for this process. Corresponding online coursework includes written goals, journal entries, career development activities, and a culminating paper/project. Credits are variable based on hours at your site: - 1 credit - 45 hour minimum (average 3-4 hours per week) - 2 credit - 90 hour minimum (average 5-7 hours per week) - 3 credit - 135 hour minimum (average 8-9 hours per week) - 4 credit - 180 hour minimum (average 10-12 hours per week). The classwork (journal entries, final paper, etc.) required is increased relative to your credit registration. Students work with their site supervisors to submit a completed internship contract via Handshake in order to register. -- "Request an Experience". Contact the with any questions. A student may only earn credit for a given internship through one course at a time. prereq: Psychology BA or BS major, Department Permission

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