PSY4521: Psychology of Stress and Trauma

3 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

This course covers the major theories and research findings related to stress and trauma, including the effects of stress and trauma on mental and physical health, factors related to more effective coping with stress/trauma and interventions designed to decrease the negative effects of stress and trauma. Course material will highlight research related to stress and coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. The course focuses on both research methods and personal application of research findings. prereq: PSY 1001 and 3001W or PSY 3001V or CPSY 3308W

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A- Average (3.557)Most Common: A (55%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

1863 students
  • 4.75


  • 4.75


  • 4.75


  • 4.75


  • 4.75



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