PSY5052: Psychology of Attention

3 Credits

Is attention needed for perception? Are we more likely to attend to locations associated with reward? Does brain training work? Are attention deficits at the root of autism spectrum disorders? This course will introduce students to advanced topics in the psychology of attention. It will combine didactic lecturing, instructor-led discussions, and student-led discussions on core topics of attention and its neural substrates. Students will acquire familiarity with theories, phenomena, and experimental paradigms of attention. prereq: Psy 3051 or equivalent

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All Instructors

A Average (3.949)Most Common: A (86%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

14 students
  • 4.50


  • 4.82


  • 4.84


  • 4.66


  • 4.80



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