PUBH4201: Inequalities in Health

3 Credits

Protecting the public’s health relies on the ability to successfully address the health concerns of the most vulnerable communities, because the risk of disease and premature death in such communities is often greater than for those who are less vulnerable. But in public health, it is not enough to understand who ultimately is vulnerable but also to understand what factors have contributed to vulnerability, such as policies, behaviors (individual and societal), or physiologic response due to adverse environments. This course will examine health inequalities and the comprehensive factors that led to their existence. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of -isms on creating health disparities; these will include: racism, classism, and ableism. This course expands on the foundational course, PUBH 3213W Determinants of Health in Communities, that focuses on determinants of health. Some topics in this course expand on that course, such as how determinants of health disproportionately impact vulnerable communities.

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A- Average (3.769)Most Common: A (77%)

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13 students

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