SCLY3896: Internship in Sicily

3 Credits

The Sicily internship course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on the intercultural context of the host country’s work environment. Through practical work experiences as well as readings, discussions, and written assignments, students will deepen their understanding of the host-country cultural context and critically examine their own worldview.The course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to become more knowledgeable regarding the local culture, organizational cultures, and the Italian business environment in the urban context. It also offers them the unique opportunity to master teamwork and communicate in Italian and/or English. The course is designed to guide students in the workplace/internship experience and create a foundation for a successful professional career. The topics and assignments will help students gain a cross-cultural comparative view on work and deepen their insights about themselves, their area of study, and professional practice. This course focuses on themes students are expected to develop and enhance over the course of the program through class seminars and the internship experience, particularly work ethic; leadership; communication; multiculturalism; media and politics; and gender and the workplace.

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A Average (3.837)Most Common: A (77%)

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44 students

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