SCO3059: Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma

4 Credits

Concepts and principles of Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma. Process improvement is an important part of every manager’s job. Both the managerial and the technical aspects of quality improvement are considered. Three tiers of the quality field are presented including; quality frameworks, quality methodologies, and quality tools. The foundation starts with learning the overarching quality frameworks such as the Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence framework, Six Sigma process improvement, and ISO 9001. Next the course examines quality methodologies such as the six sigma DMAIC methodology, Rummler-Brache process improvement methodology, Lean Thinking, Plan-Do-Check-Act, and the Theory of Constraints. Applications of process improvement are conducted using the many tools of process improvement; SIPOC diagram, Critical-to-Quality Tree, cross-functional process maps, project charter, affinity diagram, quality function deployment, cycle of service, moments of truth, service recovery plan, control plan, statistical process control, control charts, process capability, balanced scorecard, performance metrics matrix, design of experiments. Lean tools such as; Kaizen, Kanban, Five Why, Andon, 5S, Gemba, 8 wastes, Takt time, standardized work, bottleneck analysis, poka-yoke, root causal analysis, and visual control. prereq: 3001 or equiv or instr consent

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