SCO6085: Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning

2 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning (SI&OP) is an important business process for any firm and can provide significant payoffs through achieving a balance between supply and demand. Using analytical tools and field data, SI&OP links a company’s strategic goals at the high level with its production at the tactical level while coordinating different business elements including manufacturing, finance, operations, sales, marketing, HR, etc. The output of an SI&OP process serves as guidance for various production functions such as the master production schedule (MPS) as well as material requirements planning. SI&OP focuses on getting the big picture right via balancing demand and supply at the product family level. This 2-credit course is designed (1) to provide an overview of the entire SI&OP process, (2) to introduce the crucial inputs (i.e., forecasting and inventory management) to SI&OP, (3) to explain how the output of SI&OP (i.e., aggregate plan) is used as a guidance for planning production and material procurement, and (4) to expose students to several analytical tools used for the SI&OP process. To achieve these goals, the course covers a range of topics including forecasting, inventory management, aggregate planning, master production scheduling, and material requirements planning.

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