SFS2001: Language, Culture and Society of Chile

2 Credits

The Language, Culture, and Society of Chile course is provided in two integrated modules:I. Chile: History, Culture, and Society. Rodrigo Hernandez & Guest LecturersI. SpanishThe Spanish module is designed to provide students with working knowledge of the Spanish language for communication, according to their initial level of competence. The Society and Culture module aims to provide students with an initial national and local historical and cultural context for understanding the cultural and political complexities of contemporary Chile. The Spanish module comprises 20 hours and the Society ad Culture module comprises 10 hours, for a total of 30 instructional hours, equivalent to 2 credits. Instructional parts of the course will be complemented by opportunities for participation in community and cultural activities. The course does not provide cultural immersion, rather it aims to provide students with initial tools they can build on outside class.

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A Average (3.907)Most Common: A (66%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

50 students

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