SLHS5806: Auditory Disorders in Children

3 Credits

In this course students learn about assessing hearing and listening difficulties in children “beyond the audiogram”, as well as the pediatric-specific considerations for intervention and management of identified hearing difficulties. This course covers the anatomy and physiology of the central auditory pathway, assessments to evaluate auditory disorders and processing skills, and techniques to address auditory processing weaknesses and disorders in children. Additional topics include normal and disordered auditory processing abilities, current and historical theories and controversies surrounding auditory assessment beyond the audiogram, and advances in the assessment and management of childhood hearing disorders.prereq: [4802 or CDIS 4802, SLHS grad] or instr consent

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All Instructors

A Average (3.847)Most Common: A (78%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

37 students
  • 4.47


  • 4.53


  • 4.73


  • 4.54


  • 4.11



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