SOC3507: Immigration to the United States: Beyond Walls

3 CreditsRace, Power, and Justice in the United StatesSustainability

Immigration is one of the most politically and emotionally charged issues in the United States today. It is also poorly understood. Assumptions, myths, and misinformation about US immigration and immigrants are routinely and increasingly manifested in acrimonious political debates, news stories and sound bites, and our daily conversations and interactions with one another in the very communities in which we live and work. At the same time, US immigration and immigrants have been, are, and will continue to be an essential and vibrant part of our lived and shared experiences as individuals and communities, Minnesotans and Americans, and global citizens.

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All Instructors

B+ Average (3.267)Most Common: A (40%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

129 students
  • 4.88


  • 4.62


  • 4.86


  • 4.71


  • 4.85



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