SOC4966W: Capstone Experience: Seminar

3 CreditsField StudyGoal 3b - Physical ScienceGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilHuman DiversityIntellectual CommunityMathmatical/Symbolic ReasoningRace, Power, and Justice in the United StatesResearchService LearningStudent TeachingWriting Intensive

This course is designed to: a) provide students with an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned as a sociology major; b) use that knowledge to write a sociological analyses - often based on community service learning; and c) think about how the knowledge, skills, and insights of the sociological enterprise can be used and applied outside of the University. Through this course sociology majors will emphasize the relationship between a sociological perspective and critical thinking, effective communication, and meaningful civic engagement. This class is the final step in the sociology undergraduate major. prereq: 1001, 3701, 3801, 3811, 12 cr upper div sociology, dept consent

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A- Average (3.662)Most Common: A (63%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

1226 students
  • 4.20


  • 4.47


  • 4.12


  • 3.96


  • 4.40



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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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    Backend/Data Lead

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    Feature Engineering

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