SW3601: Solidarity & Community-led Transformation in South Africa

3 CreditsCivic Life and EthicsFine ArtsGlobal PerspectivesHistorical PerspectivesSustainabilityWriting & Information Literacy

Though the magnificence of South Africa's people and landscapes is vast, it is often said that visitors ignore the view by overlooking the juxtaposition between acute poverty in the townships and immensely affluent neighborhoods (built for-and-by the white minority during Apartheid). Mindful visitors often put into question the free market and recognize that Apartheid's history of racism and classism still exists in all fabrics of life; and, many westerners try to assist through service or volunteerism without fostering real change. In Africa, service is a billion-dollar industry. Abuse by western volunteer organizations and other programs has included half-finished work, time and resources drained from communities, and unchanged volunteers. But, do we do nothing?In this course, we will explore the dynamics of power, privilege, and repression through social justice advocacy and scholarly analysis of the oppressive savior complex.

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