TH3172: Western Theatre & Performance Historiography: Part II

3 CreditsGoal 7 - Human DiversityHistorical PerspectivesMathematical/Logical Reasoning

“Dare to Think” is the motto for a critical examination of representational practices from the Age of Enlightenment until the Postmodern Condition today. We will discuss how theatre makers and thinkers responded to this call by offering playtexts and performance practices which challenged mainstream theatre in the era of the revolutions in time and space—Naturalism, Symbolism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism; Agit-Prop, Theatre of the Oppressed, Theatre for Social Change; Black, Feminist, Queer Theatres; and Pixelated Revolutions. We will investigate histories, politics, and aesthetics of theatre and performance in a variety of cultural and ideological contexts. While reviewing these representational practices, which materialize as play-texts, performances, theatre architecture, theatre rebellions and regulations, theoretical writings, etc., we will discuss how they were produced, given intelligibility, and disseminated. One may ask: what are the consequences of using or promoting these and not other representational practices? How are performance events brought to our attention by the past and present imaginations? How are they made worthy of notice are rationalized as significant for theatre history.

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