TH4321: Career Preparation for the Theatre Artist

3 Credits

From personal reflection to real-world insights and hands-on experiences, this course will delve deeply into the skill sets and mindsets important for arts professionals in theater and related fields. I envision our time together as a combined exploration of philosophical, political, and practical questions, thinking through who you want to BE as an artist, what you want your art to DO, and the TOOLS you'll need to manifest that vision in the world. The course will connect you with resources on and off campus, introduce you to professionals working in various facets of the field, engage you in readings and hands-on workshops to deepen your thinking and expand your toolkit, and will culminate in a portfolio project that you can take with you as you transition to life after college. Most importantly, I want this course to be useful and valuable to you, so I will be seeking your input about what you most need, and we'll shape the course accordingly.

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A- Average (3.600)Most Common: A (36%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

11 students
  • 4.50


  • 4.50


  • 4.25



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