WRIT3441: Editing, Critique, and Style

3 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

In this course, students will increase their understanding of how language works and will learn to make choices about language, style, and punctuation to create messages that are clear, concise, and useful. The course emphasizes technical communication, but the skills learned can be applied to any communication situation. Editing practice will include three levels of editing to make the documents comprehensible and useful in which students will not only polish their grammar and punctuation skills, but they will also learn how to explain and justify changes they make in documents. Topics also included in the course are editing methods for both paper and electronic copy and editing for organization and visual design.

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All Instructors

B Average (3.165)Most Common: A (29%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

369 students
  • 4.22


  • 4.26


  • 4.48


  • 4.06


  • 4.34



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