WRIT3751W: Seminar: Theory and Practice of Writing Consultancy

3 CreditsIntellectual CommunityWriting Intensive

This course is a seminar in the theory and practice of teaching writing through one-to-one consultations. Our goal in this seminar is to develop as writers and writing consultants through investigating into, experimenting with, and reflecting upon our own literacy practices; reading carefully and discussing published research and theory as well as examples of our own and other students’ writing; posing and exploring questions about writers, writing consulting, language and literacy learning, linguistic diversity, and the role of writing centers within higher education; observing, practicing, and reflecting on a variety of consulting strategies; and designing, conducting, and presenting our own writing center inquiry projects. Through reflective writing, in-class consultations, class discussions, and collaborative activities, we will learn together many approaches for conducting one-to-one conferences and for coaching students in their development as writers. prereq: Currently working in a University writing center, instr consent

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