AFRO3015: Food Sovereignty in Africa

3 CreditsEnvironmentGlobal PerspectivesGoal 3a - Biological ScienceSocial SciencesTechnology and SocietyWriting Intensive

Course Description ‘Food Sovereignty in Africa’ critically evaluates how the physical environment and historical processes shaped agricultural productivity in Africa, as well as exploring the subsequent relationship the continent has had with the rest of the world. The course uses multi-disciplinary resources to examine historical factors that have contributed to contemporary food security issues, and discusses grassroots food movements that embrace the ethics and values of African societies in their efforts to achieve both food security and environmental sustainability. It also examines the interplay between food security, indigenous knowledge, and environmental sustainability by comparing various standpoints on African food production, scrutinizing the challenges the continent is facing and the unique perspectives it offers in terms of agricultural development in the globalized world. Finally, the course examines how agricultural systems in Africa are affected by the new global land rush. After taking the course, students will have better knowledge of emerging research directions on Africa and will be equipped with sufficient research and practical skills to pursue independent studies beyond the classroom.

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