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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in AFRO
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
AFRO 1009: History of Women in Africa: 1500 to the Present
AFRO 1011: Introduction to African American Studies
AFRO 1021: Introduction to Africa
AFRO 1023W: Introduction to African World Literature
AFRO 1131: Contemporary Issues in Africa
AFRO 1903: China-Africa Contemporary Relations
AFRO 1911: Blackness and Reality Television
AFRO 1917: Inequality and the American Dream
AFRO 3002: West African History: 1800 to Present
AFRO 3006: Impact of African Migrations in the Atlantic World
AFRO 3013: Cities and States in Ancient Africa
AFRO 3015: Food Sovereignty in Africa
AFRO 3016: Africa and African Diaspora Archaeology
AFRO 3103: World History and Africa
AFRO 3108: Black Music: A History of Jazz
AFRO 3120: Social and Intellectual Movements in the African Diaspora
AFRO 3125W: Black Visions of Liberation: Ella, Martin, Malcolm, and the Radical Transformation of U.S. Democracy
AFRO 3135: Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa
AFRO 3205: History of South Africa from 1910: Anti-Racism, Youth Politics, Pandemics & Gender (Based Violence)
AFRO 3251W: Sociological Perspectives on Race, Class, and Gender
AFRO 3301: The Music of Black Americans
AFRO 3426: African Americans, Social Policy, and the Welfare State
AFRO 3431: Early Africa and Its Global Connections
AFRO 3432: Modern Africa in a Changing World
AFRO 3433: Economic Development in Contemporary Africa
AFRO 3435: Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa
AFRO 3436: Fighting for History:Historical Roots of Contemporary Crises in Africa
AFRO 3578: Contemporary Sub-Saharan African Popular Art Forms
AFRO 3592W: Introduction to Black Women Writers in the United States
AFRO 3597W: Introduction to African American Literature and Culture I
AFRO 3598W: Introduction to African American Literature and Culture II
AFRO 3601W: African Literature
AFRO 3625W: Women Writers of Africa and the African Diaspora
AFRO 3654: African Cinema
AFRO 3655: African-American Cinema
AFRO 3745: Black Cultural Studies
AFRO 3864: African American History: 1619 to 1865
AFRO 3865: African American History: 1865 to the Present
AFRO 3866: The Civil Rights and Black Power Movement, 1954-1984
AFRO 3867: Black Men: Representations and Reality
AFRO 4105: Ways of Knowing in Africa and the African Diaspora
AFRO 4231: Color of Public Policy: African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans & Chicanos in the U.S.
AFRO 4301: The African Immigrant Story
AFRO 4406: Black Feminist Thought
AFRO 8202: Seminar: Intellectual History of Race
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research