AFRO3135: Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa
3 CreditsFine ArtsGlobal Perspectives
Who wields political power? Who challenges those in power? And how do they legitimize their claims and go about enforcing them? These are the core questions that will guide our exploration of the political dynamics in the Horn of Africa. Just like most regions in Africa, the Horn is home to diverse cultures and languages. What distinguishes it, however, is the contested nature of state borders, which have been redrawn in ways not observed anywhere else in Africa since the end of European colonialism. The purpose of this class is to delve deeper into these conflicts, to examine the interactions between incumbent governments, armed rebel groups and international actors in shaping war and peace in the Horn. Throughout this journey, we will pay special attention to ideas of sovereignty, identity and violence and draw on literature outside of the Horn to help us better dissect what is going on within it.