ANSC2055: Horse Management

2 CreditsGoal 10 - People/EnvironmentGoal 6 - Hum: Arts/Lit/PhilOnline Available

This course is offered online (semi-self paced) and provides an introduction to equine-related careers, the equine industry, and horse breeds and behavior. Current events will be discussed including topics such as horse slaughter and unwanted horses. Students will learn about the importance of bodyweight estimation, body condition scoring, hay analysis, plants poisonous to horses, liability, insurance options, as well as feeding, pasture, manure, and facility management. Equine health care will be discussed including colic, hoof care, vaccinations, deworming, and the role of genetics. Each week, students will participate in a course discussion, quiz, or exam.

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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

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    Feature Engineering

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