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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in ANSC
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
ANSC 1001: Orientation to Animal Science
ANSC 1011: Animals and Society
ANSC 1051: Intro to Veterinary Science
ANSC 1101: Introductory Animal Science
ANSC 1201: Backyard Chickens - Science and Practice
ANSC 1205: Animal Handling - Livestock
ANSC 1403: Companion Animal Nutrition and Care
ANSC 1511: Food Animal Products for Consumers
ANSC 1701: Historical Influence of the Horse on Society
ANSC 1901: The journey of food in your body - digestive physiology
ANSC 2012: Livestock and Carcass Evaluation
ANSC 2013: Beginning Livestock Judging
ANSC 2015: Animal Welfare Science and Ethics
ANSC 2016: Introduction to Applied Animal Behavior
ANSC 2055: Horse Management
ANSC 2056: Horse Management Practicum
ANSC 2401: Animal Nutrition
ANSC 3007: Equine Nutrition
ANSC 3011: Statistics for Animal Science
ANSC 3203W: Environment, Global Food Production, and the Citizen
ANSC 3221: Animal Breeding
ANSC 3301: Human and Animal Physiology
ANSC 3302: Human and Animal Physiology Laboratory
ANSC 3303W: Human and Animal Physiology with lab
ANSC 3305: Reproductive Biology in Health and Disease
ANSC 3403: Companion Animal Hot Button Issues
ANSC 3480: Topics in Animal Science
ANSC 3509: Animal Biotechnology
ANSC 3511: Animal Growth and Development
ANSC 3609: Business Planning for Animal Enterprises
ANSC 3701: Poultry Products Technology
ANSC 3702: Applied Avian Physiology
ANSC 3703: Avian Health
ANSC 3704: Poultry Nutrition
ANSC 3801: Livestock Merchandising
ANSC 4011: Dairy Cattle Genetics
ANSC 4096: Professional Experience Program: Internship
ANSC 4099: Special Workshop in Animal Science
ANSC 4403: Ruminant Nutrition of Production & Exotic Animals
ANSC 4404: Applied Dairy Nutrition
ANSC 4602: Sheep Production Systems Management
ANSC 4603: Beef Production Systems Management
ANSC 4604: Dairy Production Systems Management
ANSC 4711: Breeder Flock & Hatchery Management
ANSC 5025: Gut Microbiome Systems
ANSC 8330: Concepts and Developments in Animal Science
ANSC 8510: Graduate Seminar
ANSC 8777: Thesis Credits: Master's
ANSC 8888: Thesis Credit: Doctoral
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research