ARTH3162: Roman Art and Archaeology

3 CreditsGoal 7 - Human DiversityHistorical PerspectivesMathematical/Logical Reasoning

The visual culture of the ancient world offers insight into the elite levels of ancient Rome's population, while archaeological evidence sheds light on the everyday people who helped build this powerful civilization. Combined, these aspects provide a comprehensive portrait of Roman culture and the societies it dominated throughout history. From formation of the city-state of Rome under Etruscan domination, to the transformation of visual and material culture in late antiquity under peoples influenced by the Romans, especially those in the eastern Roman provinces of Syria, Judea, and Arabia. No prior knowledge is required, making this an exciting introduction to the rich intersection of art history, archaeology, and the classical world. Through hands-on methodologies, you will learn to think like a historian, meaningfully incorporating visual, material, and textual evidence into your writing. Dive into the material legacy of Rome and gain a deeper understanding of its lasting influence.

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B Average (3.030)Most Common: A (31%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

29 students
  • 4.13


  • 4.42


  • 4.08



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    Website/Infrastructure Lead

  • Kanishk Kacholia

    Backend/Data Lead

  • Joey McIndoo

    Feature Engineering

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