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Now with data from Fall 2024.
Overall Classes in ARTH
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
ARTH 1001: Introduction to Western Art
ARTH 1002W: Why Art Matters
ARTH 1004W: Introduction to Asian Art
ARTH 1911: Witches, Ghosts, and Evil Clowns
ARTH 1912: Truth and Lies: Comparing Theories of the Image
ARTH 1913: Plague, Death, and Art in the Middle Ages
ARTH 1914: Scratched and Smashed: History of Destroying Images and Iconoclasm
ARTH 1916: Witches, Ghosts, and Evil Clowns: Figures of Fear in Art, Folklore, and Popular Culture
ARTH 1918: Witches, Ghosts, and Evil Clowns: Figures of Fear in Art, Folklore, and Popular Culture
ARTH 1919: Contemporary Art in Twin Cities Museums
ARTH 1921W: Introduction to Film Study
ARTH 3005: Identity and American Art
ARTH 3009: Intersectional Medieval Art
ARTH 3012: 19th and 20th-Century Art: Identity & Representation
ARTH 3013: Introduction to East Asian Art
ARTH 3014W: Art of India
ARTH 3015W: Art of Islam
ARTH 3018: Art of the Ottoman Empire
ARTH 3019: Buddhist Art and Architecture
ARTH 3152: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece
ARTH 3162: Roman Art and Archaeology
ARTH 3182: Egypt and Western Asia: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt and Western Asia
ARTH 3205: Art of Central and South America Before Columbus
ARTH 3309: Renaissance Art in Europe
ARTH 3311: Baroque Art in Seventeenth Century Europe
ARTH 3312: The Age of Enlightenment: European Art and Culture in the 18th Century
ARTH 3313: Spanish Baroque Masters: Tradition and Experimentation in Golden Age Spain
ARTH 3315: The Age of Curiosity: Art, Science & Technology in Europe, 1400-1800
ARTH 3335: Baroque Rome: Art and Politics in the Papal Capital
ARTH 3401: Art on Trial
ARTH 3401W: Art on Trial
ARTH 3434: Art and the Environment
ARTH 3464: Art Since 1945
ARTH 3481: Curatorial Practice Field Experience
ARTH 3577: Photo Nation: Photography in America
ARTH 3655: African-American Cinema
ARTH 3778: Traditions of South Asian Painting: Past to Present
ARTH 3921W: Art of the Film
ARTH 3926: The Cinema of Alfred Hitchcock
ARTH 3926W: The Cinema of Alfred Hitchcock
ARTH 3929: Cinema Now
ARTH 3933: What Art Historians Do: Undergraduate Theory and Methods
ARTH 3971W: Art History Capstone
ARTH 5302: The Image Multiplied: Prints in Early Modern Europe
ARTH 5313: Spanish Baroque Masters: Tradition and Experimentation in Golden Age Spain
ARTH 5335: Baroque Rome: Art and Politics in the Papal Capital
ARTH 5336: Transformations in 17th Century Art: Caravaggio, Velazquez, and Bernini
ARTH 5411: Gender and Sexuality in Art Since 1863
ARTH 5413: Alternative Media: Video, Performance, Digital Art
ARTH 5417: Twentieth Century Theory and Criticism
ARTH 5422: The Power of Print: History of the Graphic Arts in the Modern Age
ARTH 5466: Contemporary Art
ARTH 5565: American Art in the Gilded Age
ARTH 5575: Boom to Bust: American Art from the Roaring Twenties to the Great Depression
ARTH 5576: Folk, Self-Taught, Visionary, Naïve: Outsiders in American Art
ARTH 5765: Early Chinese Art
ARTH 5766: Chinese Painting
ARTH 5769: Connoisseurship and Curatorial Practice in Early Chinese Art
ARTH 5781: Age of Empire: The Mughals, Safavids, and Ottomans
ARTH 5950: Topics: Art History
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Backend/Data Lead
Feature Engineering
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Fall 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research