ARTH3312: The Age of Enlightenment: European Art and Culture in the 18th Century

3 CreditsGoal 7 - Human DiversityHistorical PerspectivesMathematical/Logical Reasoning

The Age of Enlightenment is a 3-credit course intended to satisfy the Liberal Education Core requirement for the "Historical Perspectives" Core. Focusing on the transformations of the visual and plastic arts over the long 18th century (1680-1815), this course will introduce students to the seminal cultural shifts characteristic of the so-called European Enlightenment. Topics will include European travel and the Grand Tour; overseas colonial expansion, connectivity, and the globalization of Europe; secularization, materialism, libertinism, and the new morality; the Scientific Revolution and the creation of the modern scientific disciplines; the new public sphere and its mass, democratizing impulses; modern commercialism, capitalism, and industrialization; and the percolation of new revolutionary political impulses.

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