BIOL1929: Drawn to Nature: Observing the World Around Us

1 CreditFreshman SeminarIntellectual Community

Keeping a nature journal is one way to hone your skills of observation, enjoy the natural world around you, and relax. In this seminar we will explore nature through the practice of keeping a nature journal. Lessons will include the history of sketchbooks in exploration, approaches for starting your own journal, what materials to use, and how to get outside and start. There will be little reading, but all students are expected to participate and share their work weekly. Class will include field trips to the College of Biological Science Plant Conservatory and the Landscape Arboretum. No prior experience in art is required.

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Most Common: S (85%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

20 students
  • 4.67


  • 4.50


  • 4.17


  • 4.50


  • 4.40



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