Overall Classes in BIOL
This total also includes classes that may not currently be offered.
BIOL 1001: Introductory Biology: Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives
BIOL 1001H: Introductory Biology I: Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives
BIOL 1003: Evolution and Biology of Sex
BIOL 1009: General Biology
BIOL 1009H: Honors: General Biology
BIOL 1010: Human Biology: Concepts and Current Ethical Issues
BIOL 1012: Human Biology: Concepts and Current Ethical Issues
BIOL 1015: Human Physiology, Technology, and Medical Devices
BIOL 1020: Biology Colloquium
BIOL 1050: Environmental Biology: Science and Solutions
BIOL 1052: Environmental Biology: Science and Solutions
BIOL 1055: Environmental Biology: Science and Solutions with Laboratory
BIOL 1101: Genetics and Society
BIOL 1301: Dean's Scholar: Introduction to Leadership
BIOL 1805: Nature of Life: Introducing New Students to the Biological Sciences
BIOL 1806: Nature of Life, Part Two
BIOL 1807: Nature of Life Part III
BIOL 1906: Tradition and Innovation in Iceland
BIOL 1907: Astrobiology: The science of the search for life on other planets
BIOL 1911: Curing Cancer
BIOL 1912: Photographing the University Community
BIOL 1913: Understanding the Evolution-Creationism Controversy
BIOL 1915: Genomics in Your Present and Future Life
BIOL 1916: Visualizing Results
BIOL 1917: Experimental Evolution
BIOL 1918: Evolutionary Perspectives on Agriculture and Human Health
BIOL 1919: Native Plants and Native Foods
BIOL 1920: Biology at the Movies
BIOL 1921: How Artists look at Biology
BIOL 1922: You Contain Multitudes: Living in the Age of the Microbiome
BIOL 1927: The Greatest Benefit to Humankind: the Nobel Prize and Where Good Ideas Come From
BIOL 1929: Drawn to Nature: Observing the World Around Us
BIOL 1930: What Can Jellyfish Tell Us about Human Eyes? The Evolution of Animal Sensory Systems
BIOL 1942: The History, Science, and Politics of Genetics and Reproduction
BIOL 1951: Foundations of Biology Lecture I for Biological Sciences Majors
BIOL 1951H: Foundations of Biology Lecture I for Biological Sciences Majors
BIOL 1961: Foundations of Biology Lab I for Biological Sciences Majors
BIOL 2001: Career Planning for Biologists
BIOL 2003: Foundations of Biology for Biological Sciences Majors, Part II
BIOL 2003H: Foundations of Biology for Biological Sciences Majors, Part II
BIOL 2005: Animal Diversity Laboratory
BIOL 2007: Marine Animal Diversity Laboratory
BIOL 2012: General Zoology
BIOL 2022: General Botany
BIOL 2100: Brewing: The Biology, History, and Practice
BIOL 2101: Brewing: The Biology, History, and Practice
BIOL 2301: Dean's Scholar: Critical Service Learning
BIOL 2905: Nature of Life, Part III
BIOL 2906: Nature of Life, Part IV
BIOL 2960H: Exploring Research in the Biological Sciences
BIOL 2961H: Exploring Research in the Biological Sciences
BIOL 2996: Directed Introduction to Research
BIOL 3001: Nature of Science and Research
BIOL 3002: Plant Biology: Function
BIOL 3004: Foundations of Biology for Biological Sciences Majors, Part II Laboratory
BIOL 3005W: Plant Function Laboratory
BIOL 3007W: Plant, Algal, and Fungal Diversity and Adaptation
BIOL 3012: Animal Diversity and Evolution
BIOL 3015: Molecular Biology
BIOL 3020: Molecular Biology and Society
BIOL 3025: Molecular Biology and Society
BIOL 3051: Genome Editing and Engineering
BIOL 3209: Understanding the Evolution-Creationism Controversy
BIOL 3211: Physiology of Humans and Other Animals
BIOL 3272: Applied Biostatistics
BIOL 3302: Dean's Scholar: Leadership Capstone Experience
BIOL 3303: Peer Leadership Development
BIOL 3503: Biology of Aging
BIOL 3700: Special Topics in Biology
BIOL 3800: Special Topics in Biology at Itasca
BIOL 3905: Beyond the Nobel Prize: Examining the Evolution of Swedish Innovation
BIOL 3960H: Communicating in the Biological Sciences
BIOL 3961H: Communicating in the Biological Sciences
BIOL 4003: Genetics
BIOL 4004: Cell Biology
BIOL 4321W: Deconstructing Research: Writing about Biological Research for Non-scientists
BIOL 4590: Coral Reef Ecology
BIOL 4794W: Directed Research: Writing Intensive
BIOL 4951H: Thesis Writing in the Biological Sciences: Developing the Literature Review
BIOL 4960H: Thesis Writing in the Biological Sciences: Developing the Literature Review
BIOL 4961H: Thesis Writing in the Biological Sciences: Conveying and Contextualizing Results
BIOL 4994: Directed Research
BIOL 5272: Applied Biostatistics
BIOL 5701: Science Communication: A Primer for Scientists
BIOL 5950: Special Topics
BIOL 8100: Improvisation for Scientists
Gopher Grades is maintained by Social Coding with data from Summer 2017 to Summer 2024 provided by the Office of Institutional Data and Research