BIOL5701: Science Communication: A Primer for Scientists

2 CreditsField StudyOnline Available

Are you interested in honing your skills as a communicator? This class will help you improve your skills and gain confidence through practice and feedback. At the end of the course, you will have two finished pieces that you can use for fellowship applications or to publish. Topics covered include, translating technical concepts and avoiding jargon, understanding your audience and employing storytelling to engage them, identifying what makes science newsworthy, exploring concepts in inclusive science communication, and writing science stories and a three-minute thesis talk. The skills and practice from this course will help you in your future writing, presentations, and networking whether you want a career in academia, industry, nonprofit, government, or beyond. In addition to gaining a solid foundation in science communication, you will hear from guest speakers and experts about careers translating science.

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A Average (3.949)Most Common: A (78%)

This total also includes data from semesters with unknown instructors.

51 students
  • 4.54


  • 4.18


  • 4.64


  • 4.32


  • 4.55



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