CSPH5716: Health Coaching Practicum II

1 CreditField StudyOnline Available

This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to put theory into practice health coaching real clients. Increasing confidence in coaching skills, coaching presence, and different types of client notes (healthcare/EMR notes vs. Other types) is emphasized. Students are given the opportunity to integrate and apply all previous areas of learning and to explore their resistance, learning edges, and competencies in a supportive supervisory environment. Students will be encouraged to discover their own style of Health Coaching as well as their own growth processes and use of strengths. Ethical issues, professional boundaries, referral processes, and client selection will be introduced. This course must be taken concurrently with CSPH 5702.Prereq: CSPH 5701 and 5703. This course is required for students who have been admitted to the Integrative Therapies and Healing Practice certificate - Health Coaching track; and Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching Master of Arts program. Students not enrolled in those programs must have special permission from the instructor to enroll in this course.

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Most Common: S (92%)

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12 students

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